Sunday, June 10, 2012

Why I use Facebook

Today it suddenly occurred to me why I use and would continue to use Facebook. A common question that comes up in discussion about the new wave of social networking, "who cares about what you are doing right now". Isn't it presumptuous to think that your FB friends have time to learn and think about your latest headache, or if you sneezed 5 times this morning!! In other words, it may kind of seem like bragging sometime when we post some sily good news, rather lack of modesty. The question of limits of privacy has also been raised. .

I've also wondered about the question FB poses "What's on your mind?" Absolutely Nothing!! Why should I tell you, Isn't thoughts are supposed to be the ultimate private property in modern civilization?

But now I realize what it does - maintain a passive connection and communication with people. Before FB it always took either a letter, phone call or e-mail to exchange news and our status in life. people wrote long letters developing this as a literary art form. But, eventually the time between replies for letters, e-mails increases. Finally dropping down to no communication. FB does not let that happen. It took efforts to keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances. FB has reduced that effort. Although last time I had seen/spoke to some of my friends (Moumita/Sudipto) was several years ago, I know the name of their children and I've seen their picture. So Before FB I'd have probably not called or thought of dropping by to their places in case I was in town. But now because of FB I don't feel so distant. I wouldn't feel awkward of calling them if I'm in town and probably think of drooping by if given a chance!!

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