Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why blog, Why podcast ? Where does it lead ?

Is it just because you have the capability, technology and there is no one to monitor your thoughts? as if, you are talking because you can. It is argued that the culture has exploded because it has unleashed the creativity of the mass. Therefore, anybody anywhere can create anything because internet and technology has provided the easy and cheap recourses to create and propagate.
So why am I writing this?
Lots of people wrote or spoke there thoughts or trends of their thoughts in private, like keeping a journal. However, it never reached more than a few people, the personal acquaintances. Although, everybody wished for it to reach a larger audience, they had to climb to the level from where they will be heard. I’m talking about the process of selection: editors, curators, critiques etc.
May be this drive comes from one of the eternal instinct of human being: immortality. It is only the human who very consciously understands mortality. At a very deep level, it is completely unacceptable to a human that he will not leave his mark on this world; that there was no purpose for his life on the earth. May this could be one of the reason why we always try to create something and the virtual space of the internet is the ideal solution. We think it may be indestructible, and searchable with near perfect efficiency (Google!!). Therefore, someday, somewhere, somebody might see it and may remember the creator.
Isn’t it interesting, we all just want to play God. Oh wait, may be that could be one of the thought which actually generated the idea of God!!

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