Saturday, March 21, 2009

How Dangerous Is the Internet for Children?

This is a very thoughtful Post from David Pogue..

Here was my response and thoughts on the topic:


Fantastic piece. I’m glad to see your rational judgment about the internet danger. I would be wondering what the over-reacting mother would do about her child’s sex education. An interesting read would be Sex Ed for the Stroller Set by JODI KANTOR . Although there are horror stories like: Through His Webcam, a Boy Joins a Sordid Online World, and ‘My Space’ hoax ends with suicide of Dardenne Prairie teen , I do believe they are very limited in no. As a parent of pre-teen, I think it is most important to teach children the difference between right and wrong as early as possible. So that they can make the right judgment when exposed to such dangers. They should be made aware of the dangers of the online world in a similar way to other earthly dangers of living as soon as possible, so that they can protect themselves. The other aspect would be the parent education. Parents also need to be as fluent as possible with the online world of Blogging, Myspace, Facebook etc. There is absolutely no pride in making statements like, “My daughter can figure out photo e-mailing better than me”. Please, it just makes you look dumb and creates a far lager generation gap with the next generation.— Saumen Sarkar